Pure Worm Castings

Pure Worm Castings

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Pure Worm is pristine worm castings. The nutrients that castings provide are easily cycled to the plants over time and immediately. Worms are natural bio-reactors, grinding up organic matter and spitting out humic material and microflora. These are both critical components to any thriving soil! Pure Worm is a powerful inoculum for any soil blend, top dress or used in making compost teas.  Nature-Made Compost done properly  Free of any synthetic forms of chemicals  Rich in Organic Matter, Nutrients and Microbes

Pure Worm is pristine worm castings. The nutrients that castings provide are easily cycled to the plants over time and immediately. Worms are natural bio-reactors, grinding up organic matter and spitting out humic material and microflora. These are both critical components to any thriving soil! Pure Worm is a powerful inoculum for any soil blend, top dress or used in making compost teas.

 Nature-Made Compost done properly 

Free of any synthetic forms of chemicals

 Rich in Organic Matter, Nutrients and Microbes

 Worm Castings like Pure Worm provide a significant impact on soil fertility